The Deep Listening Project is a multidisciplinary effort to create a sustainable communication infrastructure for collaborative climate adaptation.

Grounded in co-design and collaborative research with Indigenous Peoples and frontline communities, novel technologies and procedures will be put into practice so that institutions can deeply listen and be held accountable to those most impacted by the changing climate.

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Activating climate imaginations and institutional deep listening

Climate change is impacting nearly every place on the planet, but the voices of those being most affected by it are often not considered in climate adaptation processes. Our project aims to activate the climate imaginations of Indigenous Peoples and frontline communities towards projecting those stories onto possible and desirable futures, and to give institutions the tools to listen to those visions and take action.


Gathering Indigenous leaders, university researchers, and institutional actors

The Deep Listening Project joins together collaborators representing the different stakeholders in climate adaptation processes to co-create solutions that are sustainable and equitable.